Some stereo vision illusions
[ Audio Version ] While engaging in some stereo vision experiments, I found myself a little stuck. I stopped working for a while and started staring at a wall on the opposite side of the room, pondering how my own eyes deal with depth perception. I crossed my eyes to study certain facets of my visual system. I got especially interested when I crossed my eyes so that the curtains on either side of the doorway were overlapped. I wasn't surprised to find my eyes were only too happy to lock the two together, given how similar they looked. I was, however, surprised to see how well my visual system fused various differences between the two images together into a single end product. It even became difficult to tell which component of the combined scene came from which eye without closing one eye. I thought it worthwhile to create some visual illusions based on some of these observations. To view them, you'll need to cross your eyes so that your right eye looks at the left image and vi