The fallacy of bigger brains

[ Audio Version ] I recently read a great article in the February 2005 issue of Scientific American titled "The Littlest Human", by Kate Wong. Scientists have been studying a newly found member of the Homo evolutionary family, of which Homo Sapiens is the last surviving species, which they have named Homo Floresiensis, after the Indonesian island of Flores on which was discovered the first known remains of one. As you can see in the artist's rendition of H. Floresiensis, they were very small creatures. In fact, they were about the size of the Australopithicene (remember Lucy?) line from which the Homo tree is thought to have emerged and as such the smallest of Homo that we have yet found. They appear to have existed as recently as 18,000 years ago, long after the demise of Neanderthal, believed to have been the last of the Homo line to die out, leaving only us. While I have a deep interest in the origin of the human species, what made this story particularly intere...