Emotional and moral tagging of percepts and concepts
Back in April, I suffered head trauma that almost killed me and landed me in the hospital for, thankfully, only a day. My wife, the sweet prankster that she is, went to a newsstand and got me copies of Scientific American Mind and Discover Presents: The Brain, an Owner's Manual (a one-off, not a periodical). The former had a picture of a woman with the upper portion of her head as a hamburger and the latter a picture of a head with its skullcap removed revealing the brain. So I got a good laugh and some interesting reading. I'm reading an article now in The Brain titled "Conflict". The basic position author Carl Zimmer offers is encapsulated in the subtitle: morality may be hardwired into our brains by evolution. In my opinion, there is some merit to this idea, but I don't subscribe wholeheartedly to all of what the article promotes. Zimmer argues that the parts of our brains that respond emotionally to moral dilemmas are different from the parts that respo