Patch equivalence
[ Audio Version ] As I've been dodging about among areas of machine vision, I've been searching for similarities among the possible techniques they could employ. I think I've started to see at least one important similarity. For lack of a better term, I'm calling it "patch equivalence", or "PE". The concept begins with a deceptively simple assertion about human perception: that there are neurons (or tight groups of them) that do nothing but compare two separate "patches" of input to see if they are the same. A "patch", generally, is just a tight region of neural tissue that brings input information from a region of the total input. With one eye, for example, a patch might represent a very small region of the total image that that eye sees. For hearing, a patch might be a fraction of a second of time spent listening to sounds within a somewhat narrow band of frequencies, as another example. A "scene", here, is a contiguou...