Text blocking / Sentence segmentation
I've finished a first working version of my "blocker" module. I'm coining this term to reflect its purpose: to break a paragraph being parsed up into its constituent sentences and sub-sentence "blocks" of text. This is often referred to as "sentence segmentation", but I find that term belies the fuller scope of a blocker.
Wikipedia presents a good summary of the basics of sentence segmentation:
Let's say you're given the task of blocking by hand. You are always given what is assumed to be a single paragraph or some other unbroken block of plain text (e.g., a headline), so don't worry about things like first-line indents or bullet points that screw with text segmentation.
At the very least, you're expected to break the paragraph up into separate sentences. The previous paragraph, for example, contains two of them. You start looking for periods. Then exclamation points (!) and question marks (?) marking the ends of sentences. Not a bad start. But see how sometimes they aren't, as in my putting "!" and "?" in parentheses, and now in quotes? Imagine if you were to call out the following as sentences from this paragraph:
So far we have sentences and parentheticals. Let's add quotations, which act similarly, but not identically, to parentheticals. For one thing, a given text is not guaranteed to make use of Unicode's support for left and right ‘single’ and “double” quote characters. Moreover, when it does, they may be used for alternative purposes, such as in place of apostrophes. I decided to just simplify these all down to basic ASCII 'apostrophes' and "straight quotes". But that creates ambiguity as to what is intended when any of these two characters appears in text. We'll come back to how this is handled soon. Suffice to say that we want to consider the text inside quotes to be text blocks just like with parentheticals.
Adding to the complexity is the fact that a parenthetical or quotation block can contain more sentences or other sub-blocks. Although it's generally considered poor form for an inline quotation to contain multiple statements, this isn't unusual in practice. Here's an example:
To complicate things further, there are "quotes 'within' quotes". When a text is well formatted, the inner quotation will use single quotes and quotes deeper within will either use more double quotes or the somewhat awkward "'triple quotes'". However, it's not uncommon for more informal texts to contain lazily copy-and-pasted text formatted with surrounding double quotes which already contained double quotes; thus, double quotes inside double quotes.
Our end result of blocking process should be a tree structure with the paragraph node at the top, its sentence nodes as its children, and the sub-sentence blocks. Consider the following example, taken from Wikipedia's article on Mark Twain:
Each block has slots for an "opener" and "closer". These are typically filled by punctuation like periods, quotes, and parentheses. Inside each block is either a string of textual tokens or a set of sub-blocks, if the contents are heterogeneous.
Being a programmer, I have my own more cryptic way of displaying these structures using plain text. Here's what it looks like for me (color manually added here):
I(N.pron) came(V.pret) in(P) with(P) @Halley's(N.poss) @Comet(N) in(P) '1835'
| '.' )
It(N.pron) is(V.aux) coming(V.gerprt/N) again(V) next(J/R) year(N) ',' and(C) I(N.pron) expect(V) to(P/R) go(V) out(R/P/J) with(P) it(N.pron)
| '.' )
It(N.pron) will(V.modal/N) be(V.aux) the(D) greatest(J.superl/R.superl/D/N.prop) disappointment(N/J/U/D/V) of(P) my(N.pron.poss) life(N) if(S) I(N.pron) don't([do not]) go(V) out(R/P/J) with(P) @Halley's(N.poss) @Comet(N)
| '.' )
The(D) @Almighty(U) has(V.aux) said(V.pret) ',' no(D) doubt(V) ':'
Q( ''' |
Now(R) here(R) are(V.aux.plur) these(D/N.pron.plur/R) two(D) unaccountable(J/N) freaks(U) ';' they(N.pron.plur) came(V.pret) in(P) together(R) ',' they(N.pron.plur) must(V.modal/N) go(V) out(R/P/J) together(R)
| ''' )
| '.' )
In keeping with the bubble-like diagram above, the format for each block is: Type( opener | text goes here | closer ). Block types are indicated by prefixing a single letter before each, including:
However, the reality is that these are not strictly separate modules. The blocker is really just some extra code within the tokenizer. This is mainly because the code didn't seem complicated enough to me to warrant its own class. Plus I didn't want yet another layer needlessly slowing things down.
I've been programming this all in C++11 using Xcode on my iMac & MacBook, but I'm reluctant to show actual code here. I'm more interested in describing the algorithms so programmers and non-programmers can understand the concepts.
In brainstorming about how to approach the blocker, I was initially inspired by the familiar BNF specifications typically used to describe context-free grammars like programming languages and data file formats like XML. But there was one huge problem: each paragraph can be blocked into several alternative block trees. BNF wasn't designed with alternative interpretations in mind and neither were the kinds of parsers that implement BNF. There is supposed to be only one valid output when parsing a given context-free grammar file.
I want to emphasize that multiple interpretations is a key concept I've embedded in all three layers of my BEP so far. Natural languages are full of ambiguities. They are not resolved by arbitrarily choosing the "best" option in each layer. That's a brittle solution. And it's one thing that bothers me about almost all NLP products: they almost never seem to allow ambiguities among their processing layers, let alone in their output. By contrast, my virtual lexicon (VL) typically outputs several likely interpretations ("senses") for each word. "Jim's" may be the possessive of "Jim" or a contraction representing "Jim is" or "Jim has". "Out" may be an adverb (out in the middle of nowhere), preposition (out the door), or adjective (She is out about her gender identity). The VL couldn't possibly decide which one is best, so it's best to just report these options to other layers like the syntax analyzer which are more qualified to resolve them. This same concept applies to blocking.
I was also inspired by my approach to morphological parsing, which involves recursively drilling down, character by character from right to left, searching for possible morphemes. Each time this brute-force search reaches the end (first character in the word) by accounting for all the morphemes in the word, the endpoint in the parse tree being recursively constructed gets added to a list of all "tails" representing successes. Afterward, another algorithm works backward from each tail to construct a linear list of the morphemes discovered, teasing the successes out of the tree and weeding out the failures. But I realized the morphemes in a word represent a linear list instead of a tree structure, so I had trouble at first seeing how it could apply to constructing a parse tree of block trees.
The problem was that I needed an algorithm that could build lots of alternative trees in the same way my morphological parser built lots of lists.
I settled on a multi-pass approach. Each pass through the entire paragraph gradually transforms the tokens into the final set of block trees. Pass 1 creates blocks of contiguous tokens and mini-blocks representing potential block dividers like parentheses, quotes, and punctuation. Pass 2 transforms these lists of proto-blocks into "suggestions" for how they should be represented as trees. Pass 3 scores the merits of each interpretation and throws away all but the best N of them. Pass 4 creates cleaner interpretation chains from the source chains that still have lots of overlap, enabling transformations to each chain that won't screw up the other chains. Pass 5 proposes sentence (and sub-sentence) begin and end tags to ensure that every potential block's start and end is clearly spelled out. Pass 6 transforms these tree-flavored chains into actually tree structures and, in the process, restructures them to improve their simplicity, clarity, and interpretation. Pass 6 also looks at the paragraph's whole block tree to make minor refinements and generate usable statistics.
So the first step goes through all the tokens in a paragraph created by the tokenizer. The result is a list of a higher order of tokens representing blocks of other tokens that can't be broken down any smaller, from a blocking perspective.
I struggle with the idea of calling them "tokens", given that I already use this term in its much more conventional sense to refer to single words, symbol characters, and so on. The term "block-token" is slightly better, but messy. But given how I actually chose to implement this algorithm, I'm just going to call these higher order tokens "blocks" for now. It should become apparent why momentarily.
Rather than create a distinct block-token data structure to represent these special kinds of tokens, I decided to create one "block" structure and use blocks for both this linear breakdown, sans hierarchy, and the final hierarchic structure that results from this kind of parsing.
Each block is defined primarily by a type, by whether it is an "in" or "out" (explained below), and by a list of tokens or child blocks it contains. You may recall that block types include paragraph, sentence, text, quotes, parentheses, and custom. When we come across an open or close parentheses or square bracket token, for example, a block is created with just that one token in it. Same for apostrophes or double-quotes, which get the "quotes" type. Periods, exclamation points, and question marks get typed as "sentence". Custom block markers are easily recognized because the tokenizer already flagged them with a special "block marker" token type (recall that all tokens have their own types, including word, symbol, number, etc.).
Every other token gets lumped into text-type blocks. They will mostly be word-type tokens, but may also be symbols not listed above. One special exception is the horizontal ellipsis character, which is regarded here as potential sentence-ending punctuation like periods are.
Here's a sample sentence and representation of these proto-blocks. Note the custom blocks (1 & 2), which I added to correspond to the italicized book titles.
First, what do I mean by "in"? A block is flagged as "in" if it represents the beginning of a child block. The simplest example is an open parentheses character ("("). Conversely, a close parentheses character (")") would be flagged as "out".
Ending punctuation — for now I'll just shorten that to "punctuation" for simplicity — gets flagged as both "out" and "in". Why? Let's say you had a paragraph with two simple sentences containing nothing but words and punctuation. The end result will be two "sentence" blocks, so it makes sense to think of the punctuation after that first sentence as representing the end ("out") of one block and beginning ("in") of another block.
So here is how the above sentence might be represented with all its "out" and "in" flags. "Out" is represented by "^" (as in up the hierarchic tree) and "in" by "v" (as in down deeper into the tree):
It seems like it should be easy to produce this in one simple step, but it isn't. Quotes create a problem. While some texts contain Unicode characters that clearly represent left and right single and double quotes, not all texts do and sometimes they are simply wrong because of oddball use of the word processors that generate them wrong. My tokenizer simply standardizes them into "straight quotes" with no left or right polarity. And now we pay the price. A given quote may potentially represent the start or the end of a block.
For another thing, sometimes characters do not actually represent block markers. Take the following example:
The answer is that this pass is responsible for coming up with all the possible interpretations of each symbol and letting the next pass decide which ones are most likely. The way it does this is by building a tree of all the possibilities.
Consider a (double) quote character, for example. It could represent a plain old symbol with no blocking meaning, the opening of a quotation block, or the closing of a quotation block. Thus, finding a quote adds 3 branches to the tree below the node representing the earlier block. The tree nodes contain the "in" and "out" flags and a reference to the appropriate proto-block.
Let me spell this out more clearly. A recursive function named .find_blocks() examines a specific block in the list of them and adds at least one node to a tree it is constructing. It then recurses, calling .find_blocks() with the goal of looking at the next block and adding its own nodes to the tree under each node it added. So in the quote example, .find_blocks() gets called once for each of the 3 branch nodes created representing the possible interpretations.
Along the way, it's possible to weed out some clearly impossible chains of interpretation. Consider a paragraph with only one sentence and having that contain one piece of quoted text. Interpreting the first quote as a closing of a block makes no sense because there was no corresponding open quote earlier.
This may sound difficult to recognize, but it's actually quite easy. The .find_blocks() function takes a "level" argument as input. On the first call, zero is passed in. When the function considers an "in" interpretation of a symbol, its subsequent call to .find_blocks() will pass in level + 1. Conversely, when it considers an "out" interpretation of a symbol, it passes in level - 1. The first thing the .find_blocks() function does is check "level". If it is below zero, it knows that this cannot represent a valid interpretation of the paragraph's blocking.
Proceeding forward, block by block, the recursion of .find_blocks() eventually reaches the last proto-block of tokens in the sentence — typically punctuation. One final check is done to see if level equals zero. This is also required for a valid interpretation. An example of how this might be violated would be if we interpreted the two quotes found in that single sentence as both opening quotes but never found closing quotes to balance them. Level would thus be 2 by the end, not zero.
There is one very special exception to this rule. In fiction writing, it is common for a paragraph to end with quoted dialog that does not end with a closing quote. The convention is that the next paragraph should begin immediately with an open quote. Here's a trivial example:
I want to note that this is a bit of a hack in that it will only work for double-quote characters. It would not work if dialogue were represented with single or triple quotes (or double quotes represented by double apostrophe characters) because of the ambiguity these representations would create. That said, I don't recall ever in my life running into these awkward cases.
So the last thing the .find_blocks() function does, once it has weeded out impossible (level ≠ 0) cases, is add the last node to a list of "tails". Each tail represents a successful chain of possible interpretations from the first proto-block to the last in the paragraph. Traversing backward from each tail toward the root node represents whole single chains of interpretation. If a paragraph yields 14 tails, that means there were 14 reasonable interpretations of the blocking created and waiting to be considered by the next pass.
Once each chain is scored, they get sorted such that the lowest-penalty chain is on top and the others represent progressively less likely interpretations of the paragraph's possible blocking. Although in principle, every such interpretation has the potential to be the correct one, in practice it doesn't make sense to keep all of them. With really oddball text — say, containing mathematical expressions of programming code — there could potentially be thousands of chains output. So the list of chains gets truncated to some practical limit, which I have defaulted as 10 but which the calling application can override.
But moreover, I found that later passes needed to actually modify nodes in the chains. Remember that for now, these chains are actually just the parse tree viewed backward, traversing from leaf nodes toward the root. That means that two chains likely share nodes. So manipulating a node in one chain has the potential to do the same to that node in another chain, which is bad.
I also found that there was value in having a doubly-linked list later. I simply couldn't do that with an inverted tree.
In this stage, I simply traverse each chain and produce a new chain with copies of all the nodes traversed. The old chains — and the tree they came out of — are discarded. Moreover, I now have a list of "heads" and discard the old list of "tails". This new list keeps me slightly more sane.
I want to take a moment to point out something that came as a surprise to me. I'm programming this stuff in C++. Programmers with only passing familiarity with C++ might well regard it as harder to program in. One classic problem is that sloppy use of explicit object instantiation and cleanup — pointer hell — can lead to memory leaks, among other things. One implicit assumption that explicit instantiation gives some is that you have to do all the hard work of copying data structures, yourself. Ironically, the opposite is true, especially in the newer, more standardized C++, which I did not have available in my early programming days. In fact, C++ makes it stunningly easy to copy whole, deep data structures. My NLP work creates some real doozies, too. Programmers familiar with C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Java, and most of the other mainline languages are used to passing objects around by reference. The idea of cloning a deep-structure in one single assignment like auto b = a; is completely alien. But, dear God, is it a refreshing change of pace, not having to create .clone() methods on every custom class! C++'s comfortable use of explicit references and pointers takes care of the rest, where you don't want to have massively wasteful copying. The real kicker is how fast cloning of standard list and dictionary structures — the real workhorses of deep data structure — is.
Here's an example of the output of this pass, using a sentence taken from a CNN article:
Once again, this relies on a recursive function, this time called .find_sentences(). Inside, it loops through all the nodes in the current paragraph-representing chain of blocks. When it comes across an ending punctuation mark, it splits that block into two separate ones. Whereas the original was flagged as "out" and "in", the new ones divide these flags between them. The new sentence opener blocks, unlike others, do not point to any actual tokens. This is the same as for the virtual closing quotes as described earlier.
This works great for the division between two sentences, but misses the beginning of the first sentence. It also misses the end of the final sentence which may be missing ending punctuation. It would be tempting to simply add end-caps to a whole sentence, but that would miss an important point that sentences may contain other sub-sentences inside quotations or parentheticals. So when the looky loop inside .find_sentences() finds an "in" block representing the beginning of a child block, it executes .find_sentences() recursively to process that inner block. When that finds the block closer, which is guaranteed easy at this point, it returns and this outer loop continues on where it left off.
It would be great if that were all there was to it, but there are lots of gotchas. Consider the following example:
One complication is that it's not immediately obvious, when the loop runs across a block opener, that it contains any sentences. Many "quotes" contain single words or strings of words but no punctuation. They typically serve the same function as underlining or italicizing text: to call out a significant idea within a sentence without breaking the grammatical flow of the sentence. Practically speaking, the only way to tell if a block contains a sentence is to look for punctuation in it. When the main loop in .find_sentences() comes across sentence-ending punctuation, it takes note of this. When it is done with the current block (or the outer, whole-paragraph block), it uses this information to decide whether to prepend a sentence opener virtual block to the beginning of the block. It also knows whether the block should end with a sentence closer. If punctuation was not found at the end, a virtual block with its "out" flag set is created and appended to the end of the block. If, however, no punctuation was ever found by the loop considering the current block, the block is assumed to contain no sentences.
At this point, it's fair to say that our linear chains contain a very easy-to-interpret representation of a tree structure. Every child block has an opening and a closing marker, whether it refers to a real token (e.g., an apostrophe or right square bracket) or not.
But also, the ellipsis mark (…) gets reviewed and determined to most likely be inline instead of a sentence end. So the two sub-sentences inside the quotation get merged into one, with the ellipsis being just another token among the words and symbols in it.
This is a very important point. Reviewing and restructuring the blocking for the sentences within paragraph is much, much easier when there is an actual tree structure to deal with. Here is a summary without elaboration of the restructuring rules processed during .construct_blocking():
But the reason this is important is that it provides an answer to a nagging problem: how to deal with various representations of quotations. In this example, I have three left-accent characters on the left and three apostrophes on the right, one way I've seen triple quotes represented before. It's tempting to think that it would have been easy to recognize this pattern using, say, a regular expression during the early tokenization process. However, doing so would likely run afoul of words that include apostrophes, such as stores' and 'im (truncation of him). Moreover, it would run afoul of scenarios in which quotes include other quotes, as in this example:
Similarly, the code checks to see if the paragraph contains nothing but a sentence that does not end in any punctuation. It flags the paragraph as thus containing a single sentence fragment. This makes it easy for the calling application to detect headers, for example. Yes, this also often applies to bullet points, but those are often easy to detect by virtue of being marked as such in HTML or prefixed by bullet-like characters such as "-" and "*" in plain-text files.
I do plan to extend these extra analyses to do things like count whole sentences in the paragraph, but it's not as important yet as nailing down the mechanics of blocking.
Although I don't consider myself an expert in all the latest NLP research, I do believe I've got a fairly good idea of what the state of the art is. Dr. Scott Paio produced what appears to me to be a fairly good demonstrator in Java back in 2008. But one thing I discovered is that it does not appear to be able to deal well with sentences embedded in quotes or parentheses. Here is one example:
Not bad, but it doesn't seem to care about the natural hierarchy of the sentences. By contrast, here's my blocker's output:
Although I may simply be missing something, I have yet to find another sentence segmentation algorithm that produces this sort of hierarchic structure.
For a fuller example of my algorithm in action, I'm including a sample text file I just processed and the corresponding processing output, taken from a CNN story.
The performance of this algorithm seems to be excellent, despite its complexity. Whether I run my test sets with or without the blocker included, the time almost always is the same. Which test (with or without blocking) takes longer appears to be random, making it effectively zero percent of the total parsing time so far. Most of the time of this pipeline thus far is taken up by the virtual lexicon. Most of the time, I'm finding it processes texts at a rate of about 2,000 words per second. Note that that's words, not tokens, which includes punctuation and other symbols.
One task I am looking forward to applying my algorithm to is dialogue analysis. Being able to clearly find common English dialogue patterns in text — without even considering the words, let alone their syntax or semantic meaning — should make this quite practical.
Although I wouldn't go so far as to say that this is entirely original, I do believe that my blocker represents a significant improvement over other sentence segmentation algorithms. It adds hierarchic representations, for one, making it possible to more accurately find correct sentence boundaries in complex cases. But also, it offers the application multiple interpretations of paragraph blocking, enabling later consideration of less likely but possibly more correct interpretations.
Wikipedia presents a good summary of the basics of sentence segmentation:
The standard 'vanilla' approach to locate the end of a sentence:But to my thinking, this really misses a lot of the picture.
(a) If it's a period, it ends a sentence.(b) If the preceding token is in the hand-compiled list of abbreviations, then it doesn't end a sentence.(c) If the next token is capitalized, then it ends a sentence.
This strategy gets about 95% of sentences correct. Things such as shortened names, e.g. "D. H. Lawrence" (with whitespaces between the individual words that form the full name), idiosyncratic orthographical spellings used for stylistic purposes (often referring to a single concept, e.g. an entertainment product title like ".hack//SIGN") and usage of non-standard punctuation (or non-standard usage of punctuation) in a text often fall under the remaining 5%.
What is blocking?
I struggled for a while to find a good term. "Blocking" is the best one I came up with, but admittedly, it does conjure up that other modern meaning, as with "call blocking" or "spam blocking". In this case, I mean "blocking" in the sense: breaking text up into a semantically meaningful hierarchy of blocks of text. So what do I mean by that?Let's say you're given the task of blocking by hand. You are always given what is assumed to be a single paragraph or some other unbroken block of plain text (e.g., a headline), so don't worry about things like first-line indents or bullet points that screw with text segmentation.
At the very least, you're expected to break the paragraph up into separate sentences. The previous paragraph, for example, contains two of them. You start looking for periods. Then exclamation points (!) and question marks (?) marking the ends of sentences. Not a bad start. But see how sometimes they aren't, as in my putting "!" and "?" in parentheses, and now in quotes? Imagine if you were to call out the following as sentences from this paragraph:
- Then exclamation points (!
- ) and question marks (?
- marking the ends of sentences.
Nonsense, right? So maybe the problem is the parentheses. Maybe, but that means we need to keep track of parentheticals, now, too. So maybe our rule is: ignore stuff inside parentheses. So what if we had a sentence that included the somewhat arcane use of in-line bullet points like: 1) point one, 2) point two? It's suddenly not a simple case of ducking in and out of parentheticals. Still, better than nothing.
But parentheses bring up another important point. Sometimes stuff in parentheses is grammatical in context. Consider this (illustrative) example. You could take the parentheses away and the remaining sentence is still a grammatically correct sentence. But not (this is a clear example) in this sentence. Take its parens away and you end up with an ungrammatical sentence. Because of that potential, I claim it's better to segment out parenthetical blocks of text as being inline with other text bound for syntactic and semantic analysis. I decided to also include text in [square brackets] and {curly braces} in the class of parentheticals.
So far we have sentences and parentheticals. Let's add quotations, which act similarly, but not identically, to parentheticals. For one thing, a given text is not guaranteed to make use of Unicode's support for left and right ‘single’ and “double” quote characters. Moreover, when it does, they may be used for alternative purposes, such as in place of apostrophes. I decided to just simplify these all down to basic ASCII 'apostrophes' and "straight quotes". But that creates ambiguity as to what is intended when any of these two characters appears in text. We'll come back to how this is handled soon. Suffice to say that we want to consider the text inside quotes to be text blocks just like with parentheticals.
Adding to the complexity is the fact that a parenthetical or quotation block can contain more sentences or other sub-blocks. Although it's generally considered poor form for an inline quotation to contain multiple statements, this isn't unusual in practice. Here's an example:
Smith was quoted as saying, "We plan to appeal the decision. But we'll also need to study its impact."There's no logical way to see this "single" sentence as grammatical without admitting it's one sentence that contains two others.
To complicate things further, there are "quotes 'within' quotes". When a text is well formatted, the inner quotation will use single quotes and quotes deeper within will either use more double quotes or the somewhat awkward "'triple quotes'". However, it's not uncommon for more informal texts to contain lazily copy-and-pasted text formatted with surrounding double quotes which already contained double quotes; thus, double quotes inside double quotes.
Our end result of blocking process should be a tree structure with the paragraph node at the top, its sentence nodes as its children, and the sub-sentence blocks. Consider the following example, taken from Wikipedia's article on Mark Twain:
I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together'.And here is a visual way of representing the block tree for it:

Each block has slots for an "opener" and "closer". These are typically filled by punctuation like periods, quotes, and parentheses. Inside each block is either a string of textual tokens or a set of sub-blocks, if the contents are heterogeneous.
Being a programmer, I have my own more cryptic way of displaying these structures using plain text. Here's what it looks like for me (color manually added here):
I(N.pron) came(V.pret) in(P) with(P) @Halley's(N.poss) @Comet(N) in(P) '1835'
| '.' )
It(N.pron) is(V.aux) coming(V.gerprt/N) again(V) next(J/R) year(N) ',' and(C) I(N.pron) expect(V) to(P/R) go(V) out(R/P/J) with(P) it(N.pron)
| '.' )
It(N.pron) will(V.modal/N) be(V.aux) the(D) greatest(J.superl/R.superl/D/N.prop) disappointment(N/J/U/D/V) of(P) my(N.pron.poss) life(N) if(S) I(N.pron) don't([do not]) go(V) out(R/P/J) with(P) @Halley's(N.poss) @Comet(N)
| '.' )
The(D) @Almighty(U) has(V.aux) said(V.pret) ',' no(D) doubt(V) ':'
Q( ''' |
Now(R) here(R) are(V.aux.plur) these(D/N.pron.plur/R) two(D) unaccountable(J/N) freaks(U) ';' they(N.pron.plur) came(V.pret) in(P) together(R) ',' they(N.pron.plur) must(V.modal/N) go(V) out(R/P/J) together(R)
| ''' )
| '.' )
In keeping with the bubble-like diagram above, the format for each block is: Type( opener | text goes here | closer ). Block types are indicated by prefixing a single letter before each, including:
- A: Paragraph
- S: Sentence
- Q: Quotation
- P: Parenthetical
- C: Custom
- T: Text
- U: Unspecified
- N: Noun (including pronouns)
- V: Verb
- J: Adjective
- R: Adverb
- P: Preposition
- D: Determinative (articles, numbers, etc.)
- S: Subordinator (conjunction)
- C: Coordinator (conjunction)
- L: Correlator (conjunction)
- I: Interjection
- Y: Symbol
I also prefix each word with an at sign (@) when it is considered likely to be used as a name in this text (e.g., Halley's and Comet).
I did not want to get into the weeds of parsing richly formatted text like HTML or RTF, but I also did not want to ignore this special case. So I decided to introduce a feature where the calling application can add custom XML-looking blocking tags. They appear in the otherwise plain text as "regular text <123>custom block</123> more regular text", where "123" is any unique integer that must match on both tags. If there's a start or end tag that doesn't have an appropriate matching tag, it will be regarded as ordinary text to include in the sentence where it appears. And custom block tags must appear properly nested and not overlapping, following the same logic for nesting of tags within well-formed XML.
Although block IDs (the integer value) can be reused within a paragraph, it is wise to make them unique throughout a document. One benefit is that the calling application can maintain a dictionary of known IDs and whatever properties are of significance to that application, such as the special formatting.
Here's a sample sentence illustrating the concept:
T(| I(N.pron) came(V.pret) |)
C( '<1>' |
T(| in(P) with(P) |)
C( '<2>' | @Halley's(N.poss) @Comet(N) | '</2>' )
| '</1>' )
T(| in(P) |)
C( '<3>' | '1835' | '</3>' )
| '.' )
I don't want to go into great detail here on this, but want to make the point that custom block markers grant the calling application a special ability to mark portions of text explicitly as blocks that may or may not be grammatical in order to give the syntax analyzer the chance to decide.
Custom blocks
I'm convinced that we sometimes use special formatting as a form of logical blocking. Consider my use of italics in this blog post to highlight examples of what I'm demonstrating. Sometimes I include whole sentences or sentence fragments in italics within narrative statements. Sometimes, my italics contents are grammatically part of the sentence, but in other cases they are ungrammatical, just the same as if they were protected within parentheses or double quotes.I did not want to get into the weeds of parsing richly formatted text like HTML or RTF, but I also did not want to ignore this special case. So I decided to introduce a feature where the calling application can add custom XML-looking blocking tags. They appear in the otherwise plain text as "regular text <123>custom block</123> more regular text", where "123" is any unique integer that must match on both tags. If there's a start or end tag that doesn't have an appropriate matching tag, it will be regarded as ordinary text to include in the sentence where it appears. And custom block tags must appear properly nested and not overlapping, following the same logic for nesting of tags within well-formed XML.
Although block IDs (the integer value) can be reused within a paragraph, it is wise to make them unique throughout a document. One benefit is that the calling application can maintain a dictionary of known IDs and whatever properties are of significance to that application, such as the special formatting.
Here's a sample sentence illustrating the concept:
I came <1>in with <2>Halley's Comet</2></1> in <3>1835</3>.And here's the debugging output:
T(| I(N.pron) came(V.pret) |)
C( '<1>' |
T(| in(P) with(P) |)
C( '<2>' | @Halley's(N.poss) @Comet(N) | '</2>' )
| '</1>' )
T(| in(P) |)
C( '<3>' | '1835' | '</3>' )
| '.' )
I don't want to go into great detail here on this, but want to make the point that custom block markers grant the calling application a special ability to mark portions of text explicitly as blocks that may or may not be grammatical in order to give the syntax analyzer the chance to decide.
Designing the blocker
Conceptually, my basic english parser (BEP) product has a pipeline with the following modules:
Tokenizer → Virtual Lexicon → Blocker
However, the reality is that these are not strictly separate modules. The blocker is really just some extra code within the tokenizer. This is mainly because the code didn't seem complicated enough to me to warrant its own class. Plus I didn't want yet another layer needlessly slowing things down.
I've been programming this all in C++11 using Xcode on my iMac & MacBook, but I'm reluctant to show actual code here. I'm more interested in describing the algorithms so programmers and non-programmers can understand the concepts.
In brainstorming about how to approach the blocker, I was initially inspired by the familiar BNF specifications typically used to describe context-free grammars like programming languages and data file formats like XML. But there was one huge problem: each paragraph can be blocked into several alternative block trees. BNF wasn't designed with alternative interpretations in mind and neither were the kinds of parsers that implement BNF. There is supposed to be only one valid output when parsing a given context-free grammar file.
I want to emphasize that multiple interpretations is a key concept I've embedded in all three layers of my BEP so far. Natural languages are full of ambiguities. They are not resolved by arbitrarily choosing the "best" option in each layer. That's a brittle solution. And it's one thing that bothers me about almost all NLP products: they almost never seem to allow ambiguities among their processing layers, let alone in their output. By contrast, my virtual lexicon (VL) typically outputs several likely interpretations ("senses") for each word. "Jim's" may be the possessive of "Jim" or a contraction representing "Jim is" or "Jim has". "Out" may be an adverb (out in the middle of nowhere), preposition (out the door), or adjective (She is out about her gender identity). The VL couldn't possibly decide which one is best, so it's best to just report these options to other layers like the syntax analyzer which are more qualified to resolve them. This same concept applies to blocking.
I was also inspired by my approach to morphological parsing, which involves recursively drilling down, character by character from right to left, searching for possible morphemes. Each time this brute-force search reaches the end (first character in the word) by accounting for all the morphemes in the word, the endpoint in the parse tree being recursively constructed gets added to a list of all "tails" representing successes. Afterward, another algorithm works backward from each tail to construct a linear list of the morphemes discovered, teasing the successes out of the tree and weeding out the failures. But I realized the morphemes in a word represent a linear list instead of a tree structure, so I had trouble at first seeing how it could apply to constructing a parse tree of block trees.
The problem was that I needed an algorithm that could build lots of alternative trees in the same way my morphological parser built lots of lists.
I settled on a multi-pass approach. Each pass through the entire paragraph gradually transforms the tokens into the final set of block trees. Pass 1 creates blocks of contiguous tokens and mini-blocks representing potential block dividers like parentheses, quotes, and punctuation. Pass 2 transforms these lists of proto-blocks into "suggestions" for how they should be represented as trees. Pass 3 scores the merits of each interpretation and throws away all but the best N of them. Pass 4 creates cleaner interpretation chains from the source chains that still have lots of overlap, enabling transformations to each chain that won't screw up the other chains. Pass 5 proposes sentence (and sub-sentence) begin and end tags to ensure that every potential block's start and end is clearly spelled out. Pass 6 transforms these tree-flavored chains into actually tree structures and, in the process, restructures them to improve their simplicity, clarity, and interpretation. Pass 6 also looks at the paragraph's whole block tree to make minor refinements and generate usable statistics.
Pass 1: Creating block tokens
When constructing blocking, it's worth noting that you can tell where block boundaries definitely won't be. For example, a string of plain words will never have a boundary placed inside them. In fact, the only places block boundaries could possibly exist are where certain kinds of punctuation like question marks, apostrophes, and right parentheses characters are found. There's no sense wasting computing power looking for boundaries elsewhere.So the first step goes through all the tokens in a paragraph created by the tokenizer. The result is a list of a higher order of tokens representing blocks of other tokens that can't be broken down any smaller, from a blocking perspective.
I struggle with the idea of calling them "tokens", given that I already use this term in its much more conventional sense to refer to single words, symbol characters, and so on. The term "block-token" is slightly better, but messy. But given how I actually chose to implement this algorithm, I'm just going to call these higher order tokens "blocks" for now. It should become apparent why momentarily.
Rather than create a distinct block-token data structure to represent these special kinds of tokens, I decided to create one "block" structure and use blocks for both this linear breakdown, sans hierarchy, and the final hierarchic structure that results from this kind of parsing.
Each block is defined primarily by a type, by whether it is an "in" or "out" (explained below), and by a list of tokens or child blocks it contains. You may recall that block types include paragraph, sentence, text, quotes, parentheses, and custom. When we come across an open or close parentheses or square bracket token, for example, a block is created with just that one token in it. Same for apostrophes or double-quotes, which get the "quotes" type. Periods, exclamation points, and question marks get typed as "sentence". Custom block markers are easily recognized because the tokenizer already flagged them with a special "block marker" token type (recall that all tokens have their own types, including word, symbol, number, etc.).
Every other token gets lumped into text-type blocks. They will mostly be word-type tokens, but may also be symbols not listed above. One special exception is the horizontal ellipsis character, which is regarded here as potential sentence-ending punctuation like periods are.
Here's a sample sentence and representation of these proto-blocks. Note the custom blocks (1 & 2), which I added to correspond to the italicized book titles.
Among his novels are <1>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer</1> (1876) and its sequel, <2>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn</2> (1885), the latter often called "The Great American Novel".
- C[ <1> ]
- T[ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ]
- C[ </1> ]
- P[ ( ]
- T[ 1876 ]
- P[ ) ]
- T[ and its sequel , ]
- C[ <2> ]
- T[ Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ]
- C[ </2> ]
- P[ ( ]
- T[ 1885 ]
- P[ ) ]
- T[ , ]
- T[ the latter often called ]
- Q[ " ]
- T[ The Great American Novel ]
- Q[ " ]
- S[ . ]
Pass 2: Tree discovery
The second pass takes this linear list of proto-blocks and adds "in" and "out" flags as appropriate. This is more complex than it sounds, though.First, what do I mean by "in"? A block is flagged as "in" if it represents the beginning of a child block. The simplest example is an open parentheses character ("("). Conversely, a close parentheses character (")") would be flagged as "out".
Ending punctuation — for now I'll just shorten that to "punctuation" for simplicity — gets flagged as both "out" and "in". Why? Let's say you had a paragraph with two simple sentences containing nothing but words and punctuation. The end result will be two "sentence" blocks, so it makes sense to think of the punctuation after that first sentence as representing the end ("out") of one block and beginning ("in") of another block.
So here is how the above sentence might be represented with all its "out" and "in" flags. "Out" is represented by "^" (as in up the hierarchic tree) and "in" by "v" (as in down deeper into the tree):
- T[ Among his novels are ]
- C[ <1> ]v
- T[ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ]
- C[ </1> ]^
- P[ ( ]v
- T[ 1876 ]
- P[ ) ]^
- T[ and its sequel , ]
- C[ <2> ]v
- T[ Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ]
- C[ </2> ]^
- P[ ( ]v
- T[ 1885 ]
- P[ ) ]^
- T[ , ]
- T[ the latter often called ]
- Q[ " ]v
- T[ The Great American Novel ]
- Q[ " ]^
- S[ . ]^v
It seems like it should be easy to produce this in one simple step, but it isn't. Quotes create a problem. While some texts contain Unicode characters that clearly represent left and right single and double quotes, not all texts do and sometimes they are simply wrong because of oddball use of the word processors that generate them wrong. My tokenizer simply standardizes them into "straight quotes" with no left or right polarity. And now we pay the price. A given quote may potentially represent the start or the end of a block.
For another thing, sometimes characters do not actually represent block markers. Take the following example:
I need you to pick up 1) apples, 2) bananas, and 3) strawberries.Or this example:
A sentence may contain quotes (") and brackets ('[' and ']').There are actually many possible ways to interpret this one. You and I know that the square bracket characters are merely literal symbol characters in the text, not markers of a parenthetical block that happens to have a quoted block inside them and quotes containing them. How does an algorithm figure this out?
The answer is that this pass is responsible for coming up with all the possible interpretations of each symbol and letting the next pass decide which ones are most likely. The way it does this is by building a tree of all the possibilities.
Consider a (double) quote character, for example. It could represent a plain old symbol with no blocking meaning, the opening of a quotation block, or the closing of a quotation block. Thus, finding a quote adds 3 branches to the tree below the node representing the earlier block. The tree nodes contain the "in" and "out" flags and a reference to the appropriate proto-block.
Let me spell this out more clearly. A recursive function named .find_blocks() examines a specific block in the list of them and adds at least one node to a tree it is constructing. It then recurses, calling .find_blocks() with the goal of looking at the next block and adding its own nodes to the tree under each node it added. So in the quote example, .find_blocks() gets called once for each of the 3 branch nodes created representing the possible interpretations.
Along the way, it's possible to weed out some clearly impossible chains of interpretation. Consider a paragraph with only one sentence and having that contain one piece of quoted text. Interpreting the first quote as a closing of a block makes no sense because there was no corresponding open quote earlier.
This may sound difficult to recognize, but it's actually quite easy. The .find_blocks() function takes a "level" argument as input. On the first call, zero is passed in. When the function considers an "in" interpretation of a symbol, its subsequent call to .find_blocks() will pass in level + 1. Conversely, when it considers an "out" interpretation of a symbol, it passes in level - 1. The first thing the .find_blocks() function does is check "level". If it is below zero, it knows that this cannot represent a valid interpretation of the paragraph's blocking.
Proceeding forward, block by block, the recursion of .find_blocks() eventually reaches the last proto-block of tokens in the sentence — typically punctuation. One final check is done to see if level equals zero. This is also required for a valid interpretation. An example of how this might be violated would be if we interpreted the two quotes found in that single sentence as both opening quotes but never found closing quotes to balance them. Level would thus be 2 by the end, not zero.
There is one very special exception to this rule. In fiction writing, it is common for a paragraph to end with quoted dialog that does not end with a closing quote. The convention is that the next paragraph should begin immediately with an open quote. Here's a trivial example:
Chrystal said, "What were you thinking?This is valid, so I didn't want to ignore this special case. My answer is that, when .find_blocks() reaches the end of the sentence and level happens to be 1, it considers this possibility. To support it, the code before .find_blocks() was ever called counted the number of double quote character tokens in the text and passed in a boolean flag indicating if there is an odd number of them. So if level = 1 and the paragraph contains an odd number of double quotes, it adds one more branch to the tree with a contrived block representing a closing quote, but that psuedo-block does not refer to any specific tokens the way the other blocks do. The result is that level is now effectively back down to zero at this point.
"Nevermind. We'll figure it out," she continued.
I want to note that this is a bit of a hack in that it will only work for double-quote characters. It would not work if dialogue were represented with single or triple quotes (or double quotes represented by double apostrophe characters) because of the ambiguity these representations would create. That said, I don't recall ever in my life running into these awkward cases.
So the last thing the .find_blocks() function does, once it has weeded out impossible (level ≠ 0) cases, is add the last node to a list of "tails". Each tail represents a successful chain of possible interpretations from the first proto-block to the last in the paragraph. Traversing backward from each tail toward the root node represents whole single chains of interpretation. If a paragraph yields 14 tails, that means there were 14 reasonable interpretations of the blocking created and waiting to be considered by the next pass.
Pass 3: Scoring the possible-tree chains
The first pass' output is a list of tail nodes that are linked lists — what I call "chains" — leading from the last proto-block back to the first and bringing along each of the interpretations of the source data that were found and considered within the realm of possibility.
This pass, then, scores each chain, sorts them by their scores, and keeps the N best options.
Scoring involves following each chain from its tail — the rightmost block in the paragraph — back to its head — a node representing the beginning of the paragraph just before the first block. The score is actually an integer penalty value, just like with the morphological parser. The best possible score would be zero and any positive value indicates some penalties that may represent defects in that interpretation. The score would never be negative.
An example of a penalty is when a double quote seen as an opener is followed by a space. Similarly, when a close quote is preceded by a space. Typically, opening quotes are preceded by space and followed by none and vice-versa for closing quotes.
Another thing penalized is when a token-block ends with an abbreviation like "Dr." (or initialism like "A.S.A.P"), but that period is also considered a sentence-block end. It's not impossible, of course. After all, many sentences end with "etc." But it does make sense to penalize this scenario and thus favor interpretations where these "soft periods" are seen not as sentence endings.
Another thing penalized is sentence-ending punctuation followed by words that are not capitalized. This, again, can happen with abbreviations in the middle of sentences. We don't want to rule it out, as the author may have made a typo or not be inclined to use capitalization. Informal text messages and instant messages often completely lack capitalization.
A block that looks like it should be a block opener, closer, or sentence-ending punctuation but is not flagged as "in" or "out" is penalized. Consider this the "lazy option penalty". After all, one acceptable interpretation output by the previous pass is that all quotes, parentheses, and punctuation are just raw symbols and not block markers. But this is a highly unlikely case.
Once each chain is scored, they get sorted such that the lowest-penalty chain is on top and the others represent progressively less likely interpretations of the paragraph's possible blocking. Although in principle, every such interpretation has the potential to be the correct one, in practice it doesn't make sense to keep all of them. With really oddball text — say, containing mathematical expressions of programming code — there could potentially be thousands of chains output. So the list of chains gets truncated to some practical limit, which I have defaulted as 10 but which the calling application can override.
Pass 4: Linearizing the chains
This pass exists mainly to keep me from going insane. The chains thus far are singly linked lists that proceed from right to left. Although I had originally been fine working with this, despite my head spinning when dealing with terminology like the node representing the block to the right being the "previous" node instead of "next".But moreover, I found that later passes needed to actually modify nodes in the chains. Remember that for now, these chains are actually just the parse tree viewed backward, traversing from leaf nodes toward the root. That means that two chains likely share nodes. So manipulating a node in one chain has the potential to do the same to that node in another chain, which is bad.
I also found that there was value in having a doubly-linked list later. I simply couldn't do that with an inverted tree.
In this stage, I simply traverse each chain and produce a new chain with copies of all the nodes traversed. The old chains — and the tree they came out of — are discarded. Moreover, I now have a list of "heads" and discard the old list of "tails". This new list keeps me slightly more sane.
I want to take a moment to point out something that came as a surprise to me. I'm programming this stuff in C++. Programmers with only passing familiarity with C++ might well regard it as harder to program in. One classic problem is that sloppy use of explicit object instantiation and cleanup — pointer hell — can lead to memory leaks, among other things. One implicit assumption that explicit instantiation gives some is that you have to do all the hard work of copying data structures, yourself. Ironically, the opposite is true, especially in the newer, more standardized C++, which I did not have available in my early programming days. In fact, C++ makes it stunningly easy to copy whole, deep data structures. My NLP work creates some real doozies, too. Programmers familiar with C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Java, and most of the other mainline languages are used to passing objects around by reference. The idea of cloning a deep-structure in one single assignment like auto b = a; is completely alien. But, dear God, is it a refreshing change of pace, not having to create .clone() methods on every custom class! C++'s comfortable use of explicit references and pointers takes care of the rest, where you don't want to have massively wasteful copying. The real kicker is how fast cloning of standard list and dictionary structures — the real workhorses of deep data structure — is.
Pass 5: Finding sentence beginnings and endings
Once we've got the opening and closing tags worked out for quotes, parentheticals, and custom blocks, we're left with the ambiguities of finding the beginnings and endings of sentence blocks. Again, this may sound like a trivial task, but it's not.Here's an example of the output of this pass, using a sentence taken from a CNN article:
Castro became famous enough that he could be identified by only one name. A mention of "Fidel" left little doubt who was being talked about.Note that each sentence has both opener ( S[ ]v ) and closer ( S[ . ]^ ) blocks.
S[ ]v
T[ Castro became famous enough that he could be identified by only one name ]
S[ . ]^
S[ ]v
T[ A mention of ]
Q[ " ]v
T[ Fidel ]
Q[ " ]^
T[ left little doubt who was being talked about ]
S[ . ]^
Once again, this relies on a recursive function, this time called .find_sentences(). Inside, it loops through all the nodes in the current paragraph-representing chain of blocks. When it comes across an ending punctuation mark, it splits that block into two separate ones. Whereas the original was flagged as "out" and "in", the new ones divide these flags between them. The new sentence opener blocks, unlike others, do not point to any actual tokens. This is the same as for the virtual closing quotes as described earlier.
This works great for the division between two sentences, but misses the beginning of the first sentence. It also misses the end of the final sentence which may be missing ending punctuation. It would be tempting to simply add end-caps to a whole sentence, but that would miss an important point that sentences may contain other sub-sentences inside quotations or parentheticals. So when the looky loop inside .find_sentences() finds an "in" block representing the beginning of a child block, it executes .find_sentences() recursively to process that inner block. When that finds the block closer, which is guaranteed easy at this point, it returns and this outer loop continues on where it left off.
It would be great if that were all there was to it, but there are lots of gotchas. Consider the following example:
Smith went on to explain. "We had to do something. We improvised."The process described earlier would split the first period into two blocks, the latter being an "in" block representing the beginning of some other potential sentence. However, what follows is not a sentence, strictly speaking. It's a quotation containing two other sentences. .find_sentences() sees this and lops off the newly minted sentence opener block and then does its work with the quotation.
One complication is that it's not immediately obvious, when the loop runs across a block opener, that it contains any sentences. Many "quotes" contain single words or strings of words but no punctuation. They typically serve the same function as underlining or italicizing text: to call out a significant idea within a sentence without breaking the grammatical flow of the sentence. Practically speaking, the only way to tell if a block contains a sentence is to look for punctuation in it. When the main loop in .find_sentences() comes across sentence-ending punctuation, it takes note of this. When it is done with the current block (or the outer, whole-paragraph block), it uses this information to decide whether to prepend a sentence opener virtual block to the beginning of the block. It also knows whether the block should end with a sentence closer. If punctuation was not found at the end, a virtual block with its "out" flag set is created and appended to the end of the block. If, however, no punctuation was ever found by the loop considering the current block, the block is assumed to contain no sentences.
At this point, it's fair to say that our linear chains contain a very easy-to-interpret representation of a tree structure. Every child block has an opening and a closing marker, whether it refers to a real token (e.g., an apostrophe or right square bracket) or not.
Pass 6: Constructing the tree
Whereas all the passes leading up to this one have created a linear representation of a tree structure, this pass finally creates that tree data structure explicitly. It uses the same block objects as before, but now it uses them differently. Whereas up to now, our blocks have only contained tokens, if any, now our blocks may alternatively contain child blocks representing the breakdown of one block into sub-blocks as needed.
Here's the same example sentence used above, now represented in its final, blocked form:
Castro became famous enough that he could be identified by only one name. A mention of "Fidel" left little doubt who was being talked about.
Castro(U) became(V.pret) famous(J/N.plur/N.prop) enough(D/R) that(N/S/P) he(N.pron) could(V.modal) be(V.aux) identified(V.pret/J) by(P) only(R/J) one(D/N.pron) name(N)
| '.' )
T(| A(D) mention(N) of(P) |)
Q( '"' | Fidel(U) | '"' )
left(J/V.pret/R) little(J) doubt(V) who(N) was(V.aux.pret) being(V.gerprt/N) talked(V.pret/J) about(P)
| '.' )
The basic process is fairly straightforward, since the chain already contains clear indications of where all blocks are to begin and end. A paragraph block is created and then a recursive .construct_blocking() function is called. It contains a loop charged with adding all the child blocks that are direct children of the current parent block, which is initially the (root) paragraph block. When the loop encounters an "out" node, it returns from its recursion. When it counters an "in" node is when things start to happen.
An "in" node often begins with a single token representing the block's opener, such as an open parentheses symbol. This node's block will be jettisoned, but its token will migrate to the new block's "opener" property. As described earlier, each block can optionally point to one "opener" and one "closer" token. In the output above, these appear on the left or right end of a block's representation, inside the "( opener |" or "| closer )" parts.
Once the inner call to .construct_blocking() returns, the next block will inevitably be the one containing the closer. We jettison that block, nabbing the token it points to and making it the current block's closer token.
Any other block the loop comes across will be a text block. We simply add it as a child to the current block. This isn't ideal, as we'd often rather just have the tokens and not simply a text block inside a parent block, but we'll get to that momentarily. One special thing we do, however, is check whether this new text block will be following another text block and merge them together. There are a few circumstances under which this could happen, but it doesn't make sense to have them be separate, ultimately.
Now the real fun begins: restructuring. To illustrate, here's the result of tree construction without and then with restructuring:
In this case, sentences containing singular text blocks get reduced to just sentences with their tokens.An "in" node often begins with a single token representing the block's opener, such as an open parentheses symbol. This node's block will be jettisoned, but its token will migrate to the new block's "opener" property. As described earlier, each block can optionally point to one "opener" and one "closer" token. In the output above, these appear on the left or right end of a block's representation, inside the "( opener |" or "| closer )" parts.
Once the inner call to .construct_blocking() returns, the next block will inevitably be the one containing the closer. We jettison that block, nabbing the token it points to and making it the current block's closer token.
Any other block the loop comes across will be a text block. We simply add it as a child to the current block. This isn't ideal, as we'd often rather just have the tokens and not simply a text block inside a parent block, but we'll get to that momentarily. One special thing we do, however, is check whether this new text block will be following another text block and merge them together. There are a few circumstances under which this could happen, but it doesn't make sense to have them be separate, ultimately.
Now the real fun begins: restructuring. To illustrate, here's the result of tree construction without and then with restructuring:
"We came here with a round-trip ticket ... because we thought the revolution was going to last days," said Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who came to Florida as a child and went on to become the first Cuban-American elected to Congress. "And the days turned into weeks, and the weeks to months, and the months to years."I've highlighted extraneous bits. And here is the same parse, but with restructuring:
Q( '"' |
We(N.pron.plur) came(V.pret) here(R) with(P) a(D) round-trip(N/V) ticket(N)
| '…' )
because(S) we(N.pron.plur) thought(N) the(D) revolution(N) was(V.aux.pret) going(V.gerprt/N) to(P/R) last(V) days(N.plur/V.3rdsg) ','
| '"' )
said(V.pret) @Rep(N) @Ileana(D) @Ros-lehtinen(J/V.pstprt) ',' who(N) came(V.pret) to(P/R) @Florida(D/N/U) as(R/S/P) a(D) child(N) and(C) went(J) on(P) to(P/R) become(V/N) the(D) first(D) @Cuban-american(J/D/V/N) elected(V.pret/J) to(P/R) @Congress(N)
| '.' )
Q( '"' |
And(C) the(D) days(N.plur/V.3rdsg) turned(V.pret/J) into(P) weeks(N.plur/V.3rdsg) ',' and(C) the(D) weeks(N.plur/V.3rdsg) to(P/R) months(N.plur/V.3rdsg) ',' and(C) the(D) months(N.plur/V.3rdsg) to(P/R) years(N.plur/V.3rdsg)
| '.' )
| '"' )
Q( '"' |
We(N.pron.plur) came(V.pret) here(R) with(P) a(D) round-trip(N/V) ticket(N) '…' because(S) we(N.pron.plur) thought(N) the(D) revolution(N) was(V.aux.pret) going(V.gerprt/N) to(P/R) last(V) days(N.plur/V.3rdsg) ','
| '"' )
said(V.pret) @Rep(N) @Ileana(D) @Ros-lehtinen(J/V.pstprt) ',' who(N) came(V.pret) to(P/R) @Florida(D/N/U) as(R/S/P) a(D) child(N) and(C) went(J) on(P) to(P/R) become(V/N) the(D) first(D) @Cuban-american(J/D/V/N) elected(V.pret/J) to(P/R) @Congress(N)
| '.' )
Q( '"' |
And(C) the(D) days(N.plur/V.3rdsg) turned(V.pret/J) into(P) weeks(N.plur/V.3rdsg) ',' and(C) the(D) weeks(N.plur/V.3rdsg) to(P/R) months(N.plur/V.3rdsg) ',' and(C) the(D) months(N.plur/V.3rdsg) to(P/R) years(N.plur/V.3rdsg)
| '.' )
| '"' )
But also, the ellipsis mark (…) gets reviewed and determined to most likely be inline instead of a sentence end. So the two sub-sentences inside the quotation get merged into one, with the ellipsis being just another token among the words and symbols in it.
This is a very important point. Reviewing and restructuring the blocking for the sentences within paragraph is much, much easier when there is an actual tree structure to deal with. Here is a summary without elaboration of the restructuring rules processed during .construct_blocking():
- If this block's only child is a single text node, condense it.
- A sentence that has no punctuation and contains only a quotation or parenthetical is not really a sentence; condense it.
- A single quotation within a quotation may be an alternative way of representing triple quotes, quadruple, etc.
- See if a quotation block should be merged with a following sentence fragment.
- See if a quotation block should be merged with a preceding sentence fragment.
- Join together two sentences separated only by ellipsis if the conditions are right.
- Join together two sentences if the first ends in ellipsis and the second contains nothing but ending punctuation.
- Migrate sentence punctuation out of ending quotes, but only when it follows a sentence fragment not ending in ",".
Here's an ```example of triple quotes''' that will get collapsed.Without restructuring, it looks like this:
A(|Three quotation blocks nested within one another. With restructuring, it looks like this:
T(| Here's(N.poss/[here is]/[here has]) an(D) |)
Q( ''' |
Q( ''' |
Q( ''' |
T(| example(V/N/D) of(P) triple(V/N) quotes(N.plur/V.3rdsg) |)
| ''' )
| ''' )
| ''' )
T(| that(N/S/P) will(V.modal/N) get(V) collapsed(V.pret/J) |)
| '.' )
A(|Note that the opener and closer are not triple quotes. I realized that having it this way would require changing how openers and closers are implemented to be able to point to multiple tokens instead of single ones. But more importantly, I realized that how the quotes are represented should not actually be important to later stages of parsing. All they care about is that some text is in quotes, regardless of them being single, double, triple quotes, etc.
T(| Here's(N.poss/[here is]/[here has]) an(D) |)
Q( ''' | example(V/N/D) of(P) triple(V/N) quotes(N.plur/V.3rdsg) | ''' )
T(| that(N/S/P) will(V.modal/N) get(V) collapsed(V.pret/J) |)
| '.' )
But the reason this is important is that it provides an answer to a nagging problem: how to deal with various representations of quotations. In this example, I have three left-accent characters on the left and three apostrophes on the right, one way I've seen triple quotes represented before. It's tempting to think that it would have been easy to recognize this pattern using, say, a regular expression during the early tokenization process. However, doing so would likely run afoul of words that include apostrophes, such as stores' and 'im (truncation of him). Moreover, it would run afoul of scenarios in which quotes include other quotes, as in this example:
She said, "He said, 'That's "'crazy pants'" fussy of you.'"The first apostrophe-plus-quote actually is a closing triple quote, but the second one represents the close of a single-quoted block followed by the close of a double-quoted block. There's no way the tokenizer could have distinguished that without looking at the whole sentence for cues. But this block restructuring process handles this special case automatically, now that there is no more ambiguity left.
Extra goodies
As a final step, some analysis is done of the results. If, for example, there is an open quotation apparently leading into the next paragraph's picking up the quotation, this paragraph will be flagged as such. This will make it easy for a later phase — say, a grammar checker — to follow up and see if this is a correct form, possibly by seeing if the next paragraph begins immediately with an open quote.Similarly, the code checks to see if the paragraph contains nothing but a sentence that does not end in any punctuation. It flags the paragraph as thus containing a single sentence fragment. This makes it easy for the calling application to detect headers, for example. Yes, this also often applies to bullet points, but those are often easy to detect by virtue of being marked as such in HTML or prefixed by bullet-like characters such as "-" and "*" in plain-text files.
I do plan to extend these extra analyses to do things like count whole sentences in the paragraph, but it's not as important yet as nailing down the mechanics of blocking.
In summary, I created a data structure and algorithm for breaking a paragraph of English text down into smaller blocks like sentences, parentheticals, and quotations.Although I don't consider myself an expert in all the latest NLP research, I do believe I've got a fairly good idea of what the state of the art is. Dr. Scott Paio produced what appears to me to be a fairly good demonstrator in Java back in 2008. But one thing I discovered is that it does not appear to be able to deal well with sentences embedded in quotes or parentheses. Here is one example:
Here is some text. "Here's a sentence. (What about a parenthetical? It could contain multiple sentences.) And another."Paio's demo outputs the following representation:
Paragraph(1) | |
1 | Here is some text. |
2 | "Here's a sentence. |
3 | (What about a parenthetical? |
4 | It could contain multiple sentences.) |
5 | And another." |
Not bad, but it doesn't seem to care about the natural hierarchy of the sentences. By contrast, here's my blocker's output:
A(|As you can see, it has no problem recognizing and representing the hierarchy.
S(| Here(R) is(V.aux) some(D/N/R) text(U) | '.' )
Q( '"' |
S(| Here's(N.poss/[here is]/[here has]) a(D) sentence(N) | '.' )
P( '(' |
S(| What(N.pron) about(P) a(D) parenthetical(J) | '?' )
S(| It(N.pron) could(V.modal) contain(U/V) multiple(U) sentences(N.plur/V.3rdsg) | '.' )
| ')' )
S(| And(C) another(D) | '.' )
| '"' )
Although I may simply be missing something, I have yet to find another sentence segmentation algorithm that produces this sort of hierarchic structure.
For a fuller example of my algorithm in action, I'm including a sample text file I just processed and the corresponding processing output, taken from a CNN story.
The performance of this algorithm seems to be excellent, despite its complexity. Whether I run my test sets with or without the blocker included, the time almost always is the same. Which test (with or without blocking) takes longer appears to be random, making it effectively zero percent of the total parsing time so far. Most of the time of this pipeline thus far is taken up by the virtual lexicon. Most of the time, I'm finding it processes texts at a rate of about 2,000 words per second. Note that that's words, not tokens, which includes punctuation and other symbols.
One task I am looking forward to applying my algorithm to is dialogue analysis. Being able to clearly find common English dialogue patterns in text — without even considering the words, let alone their syntax or semantic meaning — should make this quite practical.
Although I wouldn't go so far as to say that this is entirely original, I do believe that my blocker represents a significant improvement over other sentence segmentation algorithms. It adds hierarchic representations, for one, making it possible to more accurately find correct sentence boundaries in complex cases. But also, it offers the application multiple interpretations of paragraph blocking, enabling later consideration of less likely but possibly more correct interpretations.
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